Marja Kennis, born in 1965, is a Dutch artist known for her ceramic artworks that delve into the relationship between nature and art. Her creations often transform plant forms into porcelain, resulting in what she describes as “future fossils.”
Marja Kennis, born in 1965, is a Dutch artist known for her ceramic artworks that delve into the relationship between nature and art. Her creations often transform plant forms into porcelain, resulting in what she describes as “future fossils.”
Marja makes prints from living material in molds, combines different prints in clay or porcelain and enriches the objects with a new identity. Her work is generous with a sense of humor.
Though the sculptures are fragile, the porcelain leaves can stay intact for ages, like time capsules of life.
Kennis’s work emphasizes the identity of a place as determined by its habitat, particularly focusing on local plant life. Her pieces reflect a deep appreciation for the natural world, capturing the essence of flora in delicate ceramic forms.
Through her art, Marja Kennis invites viewers to contemplate the beauty and transience of nature, preserving organic forms in timeless porcelain creations.
Kennis’s work has been exhibited at Galerie Franzis Engels in Amsterdam and widely across the Netherlands. Notable shows include High Fired (2022) and Message from Nature (2021). Her works are part of the Keramiekmuseum Princessehof, in Leeuwarden.
2006 – 2010 Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, ceramics (BA) 2004 – 2006 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, DOGtime 1985 – 1991 Psychologie/psychonomie, sensorical investigation (MSc) 1983 – 1984 Hogere Tuinbouwschool Utrecht 1977 – 1983 Atheneum B Veghel
2015 – present Workshop in Ceramics, Gerrit Rietveldacademie Amsterdam
2016 – present Various workshops on plaster and ceramics at
Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, Sandberg Institute Amsterdam
2015, 2016, 2019 Lectures on ceramics and own work, Coda, Keramiekmuseum Tiendschuur
2009- present Advice and assistance various artists
2016 Sundaymorning@ekwc, Oisterwijk 19/05- 10/08
2014 Guldagergaard, Skaelskor, Denemark 2013 Sundaymorning@ekwc, Den Bosch
Marja Kennis, born in 1965, is a Dutch artist known for her ceramic artworks that delve into the relationship between nature and art. Her creations often transform plant forms into porcelain, resulting in what she describes as “future fossils.”
Kennis’s work emphasizes the identity of a place as determined by its habitat, particularly focusing on local plant life. Her pieces reflect a deep appreciation for the natural world, capturing the essence of flora in delicate ceramic forms.
Kennis’s artistic journey includes some international exhibitions. In 2017 and 2019, she participated in the Korean International Ceramic Biennale, held at the Icheon World Ceramics Center in Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
Her commitment to advancing her craft is evident through her residencies at the European Ceramic Work Centre (EKWC) in the Netherlands. She completed residencies in 2013 and 2016, during which she developed and refined her ceramic techniques.
Kennis’s educational background includes studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, a renowned institution for fine arts and design.
Kennis’s work has been showcased in various galleries, including Galerie Franzis Engels in Amsterdam, where she has participated in multiple exhibitions.
Through her art, Marja Kennis invites viewers to contemplate the beauty and transience of nature, preserving organic forms in timeless porcelain creations.
Museum het Princessehof, Leeuwarden Keramiekmuseum Tiendschuur, Tegelen De Nederlandsche Bank Diverse particuliere verzamelingen in Nederland, Denemarken, Frankrijk en Duitsland
Rose is a Rose is a Rose, TaLe Art Gallery Vlierzele België 2025
FUGA’S EN PIMPELMEZEN in Museumhuis Lucien de Gheus 2024
Maskers SOTT Verwey museum Haarlem en NQ Gallery Antwerpen 2024
High Fired II galerie Franzis Engels, Amsterdam, 2024
Kunst van Porselein, kunstgarage Franx Zoetermeer -26 mei 2024
KunstRAI 13- 17 april 2022 RAI Amsterdam met galerie Franzis Engels
High Fired groepstentoonstelling Galerie Franzis Engels, 2022
Message from Nature, duo tentoonstelling met Ulrich Haug, Galerie Franzis Engels, 2021
BIG Art 2021
Masterly The Hague 2021
Priveekollektie, Heusden, gallery groupshow, 16 februari – 19 april 2020
Willem 2, Den Bosch, EKWC in the spot 14 december 2019-19 januari 2020
Sign of the times, Museum Jan Cunen, Oss, 5 oktober 2019-26 januari 2020 Vanitas, Keramiekmuseum de Tiendschuur, Tegelen, 27 september 2019 t/m 26 januari 2020
Priveekollektie, Heusden, alumni manifestation, 14&15 september 2019
KICB Ceramics biennale, online exhibition (Zuid Korea) 2019
KunstRAI, Galerie Franzis Engels, april 2019
Het Stille WIT, Galerie Franzis Engels, Nieuwevaart 200,1018ZN Amsterdam, 25 januari- 16 maart 2019
Marja Kennis/ Simone Distler, Raum für Kunst und Natur, Bonn (Duitsland), 12 april – 9 juni 2018 Art Karlsruhe, Galerie Franzis Engels, Krlsruhe (Duitsland) februari 2018
KICB Ceramics biennale, Icheon, (Zuid Korea) mei- september 2017
Gebakken Beelden, NKVB, Kasteel Sypesteyn Loosdrecht, 18 juni-29 oktober 2017
KunstRai, Kersgallery, de Kersentuin, Amsterdam 1 juni -5 juni 2016 KunstRai, Galerie Franzis Engels, Amsterdam 1 juni- 5-juni 2016 Ceramique Botanique, Keramiekcentrum Tiendschuur, Tegelen, 25 mei- 27 september 2016 Realisme, Galerie Franzis Engels, Amsterdam 20-24 januari 2016 XIIème édition du Salon Céramique 14, l’Annexe de la Mairie du XIVe – 12, rue Pierre Castagnou, 75014 Paris, 7-11 oktober 2015 Poppenkast Galerie Inkijk, metrostation Weesperplein Amsterdam 28 juni-28 augustus 2015 (solo) Keramiek Triënnale NVK, CODA, Apeldoorn, 28 maart -25 mei 2015 Changing collections, Raum für Kunst und Natur, Bonn (Duitsland), 5 maart- 24 april 2015(solo) Groeten uit Amsterdam, Keramiekcentrum Tiendschuur, Tegelen, 16 januari 12 april 2015 Klei!, Een eeuw keramiek aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, 08-11-2014 t/m 12-04-2015 Project Network II 2014,Guldagergaard Ceramic Center, Heilmannsvej 31, 4230 Skælskør, Denemarken, opening 22 februari 2014 Final presentation Sundaymorning@EKWC , Den Bosch, 10 december 2013 Verzamelen, Galerie Kunst is Kunst, Nieuwevaart 200, Amsterdam, 30 november-22 december 2013 Galerie Kunst is Kunst, Nieuwevaart 200, Amsterdam, 1-16 juni 2013 Academisch Medisch Centrum, kunstvitrines, Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam, vanaf 29 januari tot mei 2013 RAW Art Fair 2013, Galerie Kunst is Kunst, Stand 25, Pakhuis Santos, Rotterdam, 6-10 februari 2013
Keramiekbiënnale NVK, Verbeelding, Verbeelding 25, Zeewolde, 12 mei tot en met 16 juni 2012 (2e prijs)
Ongekend, Young Masters @ Auction, Nieuwe Binnenweg 75, Rotterdam, 8 t/m 12
februari 2012
Realisme 2012, Art Kitchen, Amsterdam, januari 2012
Cult Club Keramiek, Art Kitchen, 1800 Roeden, Joris van den
Berghweg 101, 1067 HP Amsterdam, 25 november tot 25 december
Kersgallery, Den Haag, mei / juni 2011.
‘Made in China’ van de Keramiek Afdeling in het Atrium van het Ministerie van Financiën,
Den Haag, mei / juni 2011.
Art in Amsterdam, Trouw gebouw/ de Verdieping, Amsterdam, mei 2011
Galerie Inkijk, metrostation Weesperplein, Amsterdam, maart -mei 2011 (solo)
Porselein het witte goud, made in China, De Nederlandse Bank, Amsterdam, maart / april
Rietveld Visit, Galerie Juni, Kiel, Duitsland, februari 2011
Your choice is by all means correct, Amsterdam, Rietveldacademie, januari 2011
Festval Key of Life, Leiden, oktober 2009
Ministerie van Financiën, Den Haag, mei 2009
De Nederlandsche bank, Goudomrand, Amsterdam, december 2008