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Lefere Lieven
  -    -  Lefere Lieven

© Jacques Masy

Lieven Lefere

Lieven Lefere (b. 1978, Roeselare, BE) is an artist who plays with the complex relationship between reality and the photographic image. Photography is his means to construct a new, subjective reality in which what was hidden is exposed. It is not uncommon for Lefere to draw inspiration from existing (re)constructions of reality, actively seeking out collaborations with scientists. Sometimes he builds his own sets and scenery based either on his research or on his memories. The result in a photo is evocative and alienating all at once, seemingly without spectacle but at the same time layered and charged. Lefere’s practice includes photography, sculptural and installation work. In 2024 he published his first monograph ( Sehr langsam ) with Hopper&Fuchs. His work was recently shown at UNSEEN, Amsterdam (NL), Fotobiennale Oostende and the solo exhibition ( Sehr langsam ) in Ter Posterie, Roeselare.

Text: extract from a text by Tim Vanheers

Represented by V/MSP Galer


Lieven Lefere (b. 1978, Roeselare, BE) is an artist who plays with the complex relationship between reality and the photographic image.

Lefere is extremely meticulous in his work and his process is remarkably slow. With great care, he manipulates all the parameters that make a photograph what it is. His process often starts months before the picture is taken. The first step is to conduct extensive research, drawing on myriad points of reference. Sometimes he builds his own sets and scenery based either on his research or on his memories. He constructs his images with a certain scale and framing in mind, models the space, makes maquettes, decides how he wants the light to fall on the scene. The sets disappear afterwards or become a spatial part of the work.

It is not uncommon for Lefere to draw inspiration from existing (re)constructions of reality, actively seeking out collaborations with scientists. He produced one such series of works based on the research of Dr. Martin Smith, Professor of Forensic and Biological Anthropology at Bournemouth University. For a number of works inspired by Van Eyck, Lefere drew on architect Patrick Seurinck’s doctoral research on perspective in art. In this way Lefere stretches the limits of photography. His work can be alienating at first glance: are we looking at a painting, a photograph or perhaps a simulation?

Lefere creates a unique atmosphere in his images, which far transcend photography of the purely documentary kind, depicting reality in a similar way to how it appears in painting or architecture. The absence of human figures and his fascination with impermanence reinforce that atmosphere. In Lefere’s work, time seems manipulated: delayed, frozen or even absent.

Due to his approach, Lefere’s images are always developed over an extended period of time. This protracted process yields highly layered images that are charged with meaning and require patience to decipher. They are the antithesis of what we usually associate with photography: more a constructed intention than a slice of life, more monument than snapshot. Cryptic, evocative and alienating all at once.

Text: Tim Vanheers

2025 ___The last beach / Portiersloge / Brugge / BE / Group show

2024 ___Wonderwall / 4n20 Kunstruimte / Kortrijk / BE / Group show

2024 ___STELSELS / TALE ART Gallery / Vlierzele / BE / Group show

2024 ___ OAF, Part 2 / Francis Maere Fine Arts / Bachte-Maria-Leerne / BE / Group show

2024 ___ ( Sehr Langsam ) / Ter Posterie / Roeselare / BE / Solo

2023 ___ The visibility of the hidden / Represented by Saskia Hendy / München / DE / Solo

2023 ___ UNSEEN /Amsterdam / NL / Represented by V/MSP Gallery / Artfair

2023 ___ Internationale Fotobiënnale Oostende / CAS Oostende / BE / Solo

2023 ___ OAF / Francis Maere Fine Arts Gallery / Deinze / BE / Group show

2023 ___ Westerzele / ST-ART53 Gallery / Scheldewindeke / BE / Group show

2023 ___ Villa Ladeuze / Maarkedal / BE / Group show

2022 ___ Nacht und Nebel / Kunstenhuis Harelbeke / BE / Group show

2021 ___ Brugge Foto / Fotofestival Brugge / BE / Curator

2021 ___ Track & Trace / Fotofestival Kortrijk / BE / Curator

2021 ___ La Montagna. Immagini e discencanto / Lab 27 / Treviso / IT / Group show

2021 ___ Things hidden / Casa Argentaurum / Gent / BE / Solo

2021 ___ Let’s get out / Francis Maere Fine Arts Gallery / Deinze / BE / Group show

2021 ___ Mimesis / 4n20 / Kortrijk / BE / Group show

2021 ___ Belgian art and design / Ghent / BE / Represented by V/MSP Gallery / Artfair

2021 ___ The others / Torino / IT / Represented by V/MSP Gallery / Artfair

2020 ___ The future we want / Palais des nations / Genève / CH / Group show

2020 ___ Van Eyck in de diepte / GUM / Gent / BE / Group show

2019 ___ Nothing is more visible than things hidden / V/MSP Galerie / Brussel / BE / Solo

2019 ___ Alsof / ONE / Gent / BE / Groups how

2019 ___ Une partie de campagne / Château d’Esquelbecq / FR / Artfair

2019 ___ Landschappen voor het Antropoceen / Demedtshuis / Wielsbeke / BE / Group show

2019 ___ Art and diplomacy / Egmontpaleis / Brussel / BE / Group show

2019 ___ BAD artfair / Gent / BE / represented by V/MSP Gallery / Artfair

2018 ___ Wall / Blanco Nucleo / Gent / BE / Insitu installation

2018 ___ Cracks, zips, rain and no horizon / V/MSP Galerie / Brussel / BE / Group show

2017 ___ Dark Ground / Krupic Kersting Galerie / Keulen / GER / Group show

2017 ___ Because it’s in my nature / Mi Galerie / Parijs / FR / Group show

2017 ___ Illuminato / Brugge Foto 2017 / Brugge / BE / Group show

2016 ___ Great mountains remember me / Galerie OMS Pradhan / Brussel / BE / Solo

2016 ___ Time – Space – Existence / Architectuurbiënnale van Venetië 2016 / IT / Group show

2016 ___ Into nature – Art expedition / Drente / NL / Group show

2016 ___ Denkbeeldige grenzen / Wilford X / Temse / BE / Group show

2015 ___ I never promised you a horizon / Galerij Casa Argentaurum / Gent / BE / Solo

2015 ___ One work / Blanco / Gent / BE / Group show

2015 ___ Benefietveiling Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens 2015 / Deurle / BE / Auction

2015 ___ Great mountains remember me / ccBrouckere / Torhout / BE / Solo

2014 ___ Soilsample – Erasing nature / KIK / Drente / NL / Group show

2014 ___ KIK / Drente / Nederland / Residence

2014 ___ Ambassadeurs van de zee – Salut d’honneur Jan Hoet / Oostende / BE / Group show

2014 ___ Photography in Dialogue / ONE / Gent / BE / Group show

2013 ___ Zou / SASK / Roeselare / BE / Group show

2013 ___ Murmuration #2 / Brabantdam 54 / Gent/ BE / Group show

2013 ___ Simularities / Galerie Oms Pradhan / Brussel / BE / Solo

2013 ___ Wrapped n Packed / Cascolab / Apeldoorn / NL / Group show

2012 ___ Simularities / De Directeurswoning / Roeselare / BE / Solo

2012 ___ There are stories / NUCLEO / Gent / BE / Group